野生动物类影像Wildlife images
窥视与凝望Prying and staring
藏猕猴;众所周知,中国四川峨眉山的猴子不怕人,因为国家保护政策。本来我是没有打算拍这张照片的,但在下山的路上,我看到猴群里的母子,非常乖巧可爱,躲在妈妈怀里观察人类,妈妈则护着孩子,盯着前方的猴王,母子俩的行为很美,很震撼,于是赶紧按下快门,拍下了这张照片。 This is a Tibetan macaque; As we all know, the monkeys of Mount Emei in Sichuan, China are not afraid of humans. Because of the national protection policy. I didn't intend to take this picture, but on the way down the mountain, I saw the mother, child and child in the monkey group. Very cute and cute. She hides in her mother's arms to observe humans, while her mother protects the child and stares at the monkey king ahead. The behavior of the mother and son was beautiful and shocking, so I quickly clicked the shutter and took this photo.
自然类风光影像Nature scenery images
海上云朵Clouds over the sea
This is the Qarhan Salt Lake in Qinghai. When there is no sunlight, the surface of the lake is blue, but once the sunlight shines, it turns green. So I need to wait for the sunlight and find the most beautiful angle to shoot this picture.
月夜水上雅丹Yadan on the water at moonlit night
This is the Qinghai Water Yadan, the only unique landform on the entire earth. It is very quiet and beautiful here. When the moon rises, you can still see the Milky Way.
塞斯沙山“Seth” Sand Mountain
We entered the heart of the Tengger Desert to find the tallest sand dune. The majestic sand dune was created by years of wind and sand. I would like to call it "Seth" - a symbol of strength and desert.
海风暴Sea storm
这里是涠洲岛,很多人对于这里的印象是风和日丽,阳光沙滩,但是最不成见过这里狂怒的一面,在位于东北面的巨浪一直拍打着海岸,我却不想离开,因为即将到来的这股风浪,是否会预示着更美丽的瞬间? This is Weizhou Island. Many people’s impression of this place is sunny and bright, with sunny beaches, but what they rarely see is its violent side. The huge waves in the northeast have been beating the coast, but I don’t want to leave, because will the upcoming wind and waves herald more beautiful moments?
幽冥蓝冰Nether Blue Ice
The blue ice photographed in the afternoon at Lisuo Lake in winter is set against Mount Gongga. The frozen lake at high altitude reflects the mysterious beauty.
川西高原栎叶杜鹃Rhododendron phaeochrysum on the Plateau of Western Sichuan
Walking for two days to reach the high altitude area, passing through Xiaogongga, I saw many rhododendrons and took a photo of a plant with an interesting shape.
金红米仓山Golden Red Micang Mountain
I searched for a long time for Guangwu Mountain and Migang Mountain in Bazhong, Sichuan, but couldn't find the most beautiful angle to capture the beauty here. I could only rent a helicopter with my camera to take pictures and wait for the sunset. When the red and yellow colors alternate, the most beautiful Migang Mountain is here.
冰封之地Frozen Land
这里是西藏东部的萨普冰川,当我走到冰川脚下的时候,发现一切都很静谧,冷峻而美丽的冰封之地,也在春季即将到来,开始融化冰面,缓慢流动着山川水。 This is the Sapu Glacier in eastern Tibet. When I walked to the foot of the glacier, I found that everything was very quiet. The cold and beautiful frozen land is also about to arrive in spring. The ice surface is beginning to melt and the mountain water is flowing slowly.
勒多曼因下的冰湖The glacial lake under Ledomain
It takes two days of hiking to reach the icy lake at an altitude of about 4,600 meters. We explored freely on it and found that the frozen areas yesterday began to melt as the sun appeared and the soil retreated into beautiful shapes.
盐纹之湖Salt-lined lake
It is a very inconspicuous salt lake. We did not stop to see it when we drove from Alxa Left Banner to the desert highway. But when we came back, the sunset shone on this large pink and purple lake. We got off the car, walked in to observe, and found this beautiful pattern on the lakeside, so we took a picture of it.
黄昏俄薄梁Twilight Obo Liang
This is an uninhabited area near Dunhuang. The terrain is similar to that of Mars, so some people also call it the Mars Base. It is mysterious, beautiful, and vast.
陨落贡嘎Meteor falls on Gongga
After waiting for a night on top of an ice lake at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters, I finally waited for the Geminid meteor to "hit" the main peak of Gongga. The altitude sickness and coldness had long been overshadowed by the excitement. In order to produce this material, I even vomited in the tent and hung out outside the tent alone all night.
冬季的王朗国家级自然保护区Wanglang National Nature Reserve in Winter
This is the Xuebaoding Mountain Nature Reserve in northern Sichuan. Wild giant pandas inhabit this natural reserve and it is very beautiful. When I arrived, the lake was already frozen, so I worked hard to find the dead trees that were still covered in snow in the morning as the foreground and took this photo.
光雾山秋色 Autumn scenery of Guangwu Mountain
This place is beautiful, but it’s so big that the camera can’t describe the scenery. If you want to show what you see with your naked eyes, I’ll rent a helicopter and put a camera on it to show you the beauty I see.
人与自然环境类影像Images of people and natural environment
沙海漫步Strolling in the desert ocean
Mingsha Mountain is located in the urban area of Dunhuang. It is surrounded by tall deserts that can be seen in the urban area. After I entered the scenic area, I finally climbed over a large sand top, only to find that it was too big and too far away. However, some people were almost at the top. They sat there to rest, enjoying the sunset moment, as if they were taking a walk.
站立云端Standing on the Cloud
This is the Qarhan Salt Lake in Qinghai. When there is no sunlight, the surface of the lake is blue, but once the sunlight shines, it turns green. So I need to wait for the sunlight and find the most beautiful angle to shoot this picture.
雾林徒步Mist Forest Hiking
This is Qianfo Mountain in Mianyang, Sichuan. We had planned to climb to the top to take pictures, but unfortunately the winding road at the bottom was destroyed by falling rocks and landslides, so we never made it to the top. When we were disappointed and preparing to retreat, I found this place particularly beautiful shrouded in fog, so I asked my wife to go over and act as a model and took this photo.
雾筹洞瀑Mist slowly drips down the cave waterfall
This is a saltpeter cave located in Leshan. It was originally unremarkable, but with the changes in quality, the pits became larger and larger, and even an underground river was left. The most important thing is that there happens to be a waterfall, forming this beautiful place. It is very niche, but very beautiful.
盐纹之湖Salt-lined lake
It is a very inconspicuous salt lake. We did not stop to see it when we drove from Alxa Left Banner to the desert highway. But when we came back, the sunset shone on this large pink and purple lake. We got off the car, walked in to observe, and found this beautiful pattern on the lakeside, so we took a picture of it.